Warning! Higher Education Commission advises against seeking affiliations with the University of Lakki Marwat. The HEC has officially prohibited the University of Lakki Marwat from admitting new students or establishing affiliations due to significant violations of its guidelines.

The HEC issued a public alert via its official account on the microblogging site X, declaring the ban on this Khyber Pakhtunkhwa university. The decision stems from identified irregularities that have adversely impacted the quality of education provided to students.

Following a recent inspection on September 21, 2023, the HEC observed serious irregularities and blatant violations of its guidelines, criteria, and policies during its assessment of the University of Lakki Marwat. The commission emphasized that these violations were negatively affecting the educational standards of the university.

In response, the HEC has completely prohibited the University of Lakki Marwat from admitting new students and forming affiliations. It has explicitly cautioned all stakeholders against seeking admissions with the institution.

Furthermore, the HEC has announced a nationwide embargo on the issuance of fresh affiliations by all public sector universities. Stay informed and exercise caution regarding educational affiliations with the University of Lakki Marwat.

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