“Now that Quinn and Dan each possess an Apple Vision Pro, they engage in a detailed discussion to assess whether the device lives up to their expectations. The conversation delves into the technical intricacies of the Vision Pro, covering aspects such as display quality, brightness, and potential challenges users mightContinue Reading

Akram Afif

Akram Afif, born in Doha in 1996, embodies more than just a Qatari footballer; he is a symbol of his nation’s burgeoning aspirations on the international football scene. From his early days at the Aspire Academy to his current prominence with Al Sadd and the Qatar national team, Afif’s journeyContinue Reading

Samsung Galaxy

“Samsung Electronics unveiled its latest line of premium smartphones on Wednesday, incorporating multiple AI functions, including real-time translation of phone calls in different languages, in a bid to rival Apple. After facing a decline in smartphone shipments compared to Apple in 2023, Samsung aims to compete by offering advanced AIContinue Reading


“The United States military has executed another series of missile strikes against Houthi-controlled sites, marking the fourth instance within a week of directly targeting the group in Yemen. Launched from the Red Sea, the strikes hit over a dozen sites, responding to a drone attack on a U.S.-owned vessel inContinue Reading


As independent candidates affiliated with PTI vie for election symbols from the ECP, a total of 150 political parties have successfully secured unified party symbols from the electoral body. Among the prominent contenders, PML-N has embraced the ‘tiger’ symbol, while PPPP will uphold its traditional ‘arrow’ symbol. PTI, now withoutContinue Reading


Pakistan executed what it termed a ‘highly coordinated’ military strike against Iran, just over 24 hours after Iranian air raids targeted Balochistan, intensifying tensions between the neighboring countries and igniting concerns of a broader conflict. On Thursday morning, Pakistan conducted an ‘intelligence-based operation,’ as stated by its Ministry of ForeignContinue Reading


Warning! Higher Education Commission advises against seeking affiliations with the University of Lakki Marwat. The HEC has officially prohibited the University of Lakki Marwat from admitting new students or establishing affiliations due to significant violations of its guidelines. The HEC issued a public alert via its official account on theContinue Reading


Chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, has expressed his anticipation that Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa will rectify constitutional errors as the Supreme Court prepares to conduct a hearing on a presidential reference against the death sentence of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto on December 12.Continue Reading


On Monday, the Indian Supreme Court declared that Article 370, which had provided special status to the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), was a temporary provision, affirming that the occupied territory is an integral part of the country, as reported by NDTV. The unilateral abrogation of the specialContinue Reading