As independent candidates affiliated with PTI vie for election symbols from the ECP, a total of 150 political parties have successfully secured unified party symbols from the electoral body.

Among the prominent contenders, PML-N has embraced the ‘tiger’ symbol, while PPPP will uphold its traditional ‘arrow’ symbol. PTI, now without a symbol, will have its candidates run as independents, and the splinter group, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Nazriati), will adopt the ‘batsman’ symbol.

Newcomer Jehangir Tareen’s Istekham-e-Pakistan Tehreek has chosen the ‘eagle’ as its symbol. Other familiar symbols include the Awami National Party’s ‘lantern,’ Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam Pakistan’s ‘book,’ MQM-Pakistan’s ‘kite,’ and the candle retained by Afaq Ahmed-led Mohajir Qaumi Movement Pakistan. The ‘scale of justice’ returns with the Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan.

In the unique category, TLP maintains its ‘crane’ symbol, Balochistan National Party sticks with the ‘axe,’ and the National Democratic Movement, led by Mohsin Dawar, opts for the ‘mountain.’ The newly-formed Haqooq Khalq Party enters the scene with its ‘loudspeaker’ symbol.

Beyond mainstream choices, some parties embrace quirky symbols. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Such adopts the ‘crocodile,’ Move on Pakistan selects the ‘ostrich,’ and Barabri Party Pakistan emphasizes the ‘pen.’ Tehreek-e Ahl-e-Sunnat Pakistan offers the ‘generator,’ symbolizing practicality.

Interestingly, some parties opt for weapon-related symbols, with Pakistan Muslim League (KQK) choosing the ‘gun’ and Tehreek-e-Tahafuz-e-Pakistan settling for the ‘revolver.’

Surprisingly, Pakistan Aman Tehreek switches from the dove to the ‘missile.’ Pakistan Awami Raj adopts the ‘broom,’ possibly hinting at a cleanup agenda.

Numerous other parties secure symbols ranging from the Pak League’s ‘apple’ to the Jannat Pakistan Party’s ‘fountain,’ showcasing the diverse and intriguing array of choices on the ECP’s symbol list.

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