Popular messaging service, WhatsApp is always introducing new features for its users to enhance their experience on the platform. Recently, some iOS users have got access to WhatsApp’s new feature where they will be able to generate a link to join a call which can either be video or audio.
This new version is now available on the App Store where users can get it by updating their app with the latest version of 22.21.77.
The popular messaging app had reportedly given Android users the same update, a few months back.
As per WhatsApp development tracking website, WABetaInfo, their report recently shared a screenshot which had described the feature. The report read that users will be able to select the call type (be it audio or video) and then create a link for the call. When more than two people join, it will automatically become a group call.
It had even mentioned that all the calls made via WhatsApp will be end-to-end encrypted, meaning no one outside the call will be able to hear the conversations.
The call link can be shared with people or even the URL can be shared.
In order to create a link for a call, here’s how you can:
Step 1: Firstly, update your WhatsApp with the latest version, as mentioned above.
Step 2: Open your WhatsApp and head over to the ‘Calls’ tab.
Step 3: Select on ‘Create Calls Link’ option which will be visible on top of the calls.
Step 4: Upon clicking on the option, a small pop-up will come up from below asking if you want to do a video or a voice call.
Step 5: You can then share the link or simply copy the URL and share it with your contacts.
Keep in mind, each time a URL is created, it will be unique, secure and have 22-character IDs.
Both Android and iOS users will have to head over to the calls tab to create links for calls.