Meta is facing allegations from several U.S. states, claiming that Facebook and Instagram are detrimental to children

“Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has been accused of deliberately harming the mental health of young people by over 36 U.S. states, who have decided to take legal action against the tech giant.

According to global media reports, an additional 6 U.S. states are considering legal action against Meta, bringing the total number of states pursuing legal action against the company to 42.

In all these states’ requests, it is alleged that Meta intentionally introduced harmful features such as ‘infinite scroll’ and constant notifications on Instagram and Facebook that normalize addictive behavior in children and adolescents.

U.S. Attorneys General have accused Meta of keeping these tactics hidden, claiming that the platform knowingly preys on its most vulnerable users, i.e., minors and children, and keeps them hooked.

Attorneys General have asserted that these platforms have disregarded the significant harm they inflict on our nation’s youth, with Meta continuously violating state and federal laws through deception and unlawful business practices.”

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