WhatsApp, owned by Meta, is reportedly introducing a novel feature to enhance user privacy by implementing a secret code for locked chats on Android. Beta testers are said to be the initial recipients of this update.
According to WABetaInfo, a new settings section is likely to be incorporated into the list of users’ locked chats. This section offers an option to conceal the entry point that leads to the display of locked chats. After configuring a secret code, the entry point will no longer be visible in the chat list. Instead, users can access these secured chats by entering the secret code into the search bar within the Chats tab.
This feature aims to bolster privacy by removing the entry point from the locked chats list, preventing others from easily identifying or accessing these protected conversations. Even if someone gains physical access to a user’s phone, the hidden locked chats list ensures the confidentiality of sensitive discussions.
Furthermore, this added layer of security helps prevent inadvertent or unauthorized access to these private conversations. The report highlights that the concealed list of locked chats minimizes exposure, as others cannot ascertain the presence of protected conversations.
In parallel, WhatsApp has introduced a new feature called ‘Protect IP Address in Calls.’ This option conceals the user’s IP address from other parties on the call by routing calls through WhatsApp Servers. This measure ensures that the IP address is hidden, preventing others in the call from determining the user’s general geographical location.